DİHA - Dicle News Agency

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12:18 📷1 Politics KCK: Attack in Diyarbakır a declaration of war by AKP against Kurdish people
11:28 📷1 News Contra mob shot one more citizen dead
11:18 News PM Davutoğlu leaves post
11:17 📷1 News A columnist and a TV programmer dismissed
11:17 International Indonesia's Aceh bans women from nightspots after 11pm
11:01 📷1 Agenda Of Election Die Linke's Binder: Turkey has opened a new door
09:47 📷1 News YPG: 15 more gang members killed
09:47 News Diyarbakır Governor's Office says 6 detained
09:46 📷1 News Demirtaş: A dirty plot is being staged in Diyarbakır
09:23 📷1 News 3 dead in provocation in Diyarbakır
09:23 📷1 News HDP calls for light to be shed on shady incident
09:22 Agenda Of Election YSK releases temporary results of elections
09:21 📷1 News Casualties reported in provocation in Diyarbakır
09:20 News Governor's Office: 3 dead, 3 injured
09:19 📷1 Politics Demirtaş: Our delegation must go to İmralı at once
09:19 News 149 years prison sentence for 16 Kurdish politicians
09:18 📷1 Politics Emphasis of 'Constituent Assembly' by KCK
09:18 Politics Demirtaş: AKP and CHP should form coalition
09:17 📷1 News HDP parliamentarians visit families of blast victims
08:55 📷1 News Thousands bid farewell to 17-year-old died after blasts in Amed


11:01 📷1 Women 97 woman deputies at parliament
10:53 📷1 News Victory of HDP celebtared in Kobanê
10:52 📷1 News HDP voters celebrating victory in the streets nightlong
10:18 📷1 Agenda Of Election Demirtaş: Turkey is HDP and HDP is Turkey
10:14 📷1 Agenda Of Election HDP has 7 seats in Van, AKP gets 1
10:14 Agenda Of Election Surprise of HDP in Kars and Ardahan
10:11 📷1 News Yüksekdağ: We overthrew the threshold all together
10:10 📷1 Agenda Of Election Party of women, HDP, at parliament


23:24 News PM Davutoğlu speaks for one minute
22:42 📷1 News HDP carries peoples to parliament
22:27 News 11 HDP candidates elected in Istanbul
22:23 📷1 News Diyarbakır celebrates HDP victory
22:23 News Police attack JINHA reporter
22:22 📷1 News Kobanê didn't fall, but the AKP did
22:22 📷1 News 6 wounded in Yüksekova celebrations
21:47 📷1 News AKP collapses in the Kurdish region
21:46 📷1 News Preliminary results: HDP overcome election threshold
19:11 📷11 News New information on Diyarbakır bombing - FLASH
18:44 📷1 Agenda Of Election Bomb victims head to the polls in ambulances
18:43 📷1 News Civilians take action against unmarked vehicles at polls
18:28 📷1 Agenda Of Election Election frauds across Serhat region in North Kurdistan
18:28 📷1 News Tensions rose during the count of overseas votes
18:15 📷1 News Dozens of gang members killed in Kobanê and Cizîr
18:14 News One detained in relation to the bomb attack in Diyarbakır
18:14 News A voter detained in Diyarbakır
18:13 📷1 Agenda Of Election AKP members, village guards and gendarme attack HDP voters in Mutki
18:12 📷1 Agenda Of Election AKP’s election irregularities continue
18:11 📷1 News Repression and fraud attempts increasing
18:10 📷1 Agenda Of Election 115-year-old leaves sickbed to vote for peace
12:21 📷1 Agenda Of Election Election frauds in North Kurdistan