Kurdish artist Beytocan in Diyarbakır after 23 years 2014-05-25 11:04:11 DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - Kurdish artist Beytocan, Beytullah Güneri by his real name, returned to his homeland after 23 years away from home. The Kurdish artist Beytocan who has been living in Stockholm since 1991 came to main Kurdish city Diyarbakır. Voicing happiness over the ending of the 23-year-old longing, Beytocan added; “I owe to my people and I am going to Amed to honor my debt.” His elder sister Feriha Dağ, Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality Culture and Tourism Department Head Muharrem Cebe, Artist Farqin and his relatives met the artist in Diyarbakır Airport. They met Beytocan with flowers and said him: "Welcome to your homeland and home." Beytocan who has been telling about the pains of the Kurdish people in his songs such as ‘Diyarbakır mala min’, ‘Dinya fani’ and ‘Hawar delal’ said it hurt him to stay away from his land, adding; “I am in love with my lands and people, while also respecting the struggle and achievements of my people. I have always lived with the dream of coming together with them.” (nt)