PJAK: Political/military operations of Iran is to militarize Rojhilat 2015-01-26 11:13:06 NEWS CENTER (DİHA) - "Mass arrests, raids artillery of Iran, political operations and military presence in Kurdistan is the meaning of militarizing the Kurdish region," said the Council of Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) in a statement. The statement of PJAK is as follows: "After growth of quality of knowledge of the peoples of the Middle East and increase its presence in the political arena, social and cultural rights, the government used both global as well as regional powers to try to lower the higher frequency and intensity, positive and compressing it. Iran as a country participating in the current issues of regional and global impact on the entire plane surfaces have taken their domestic and foreign mutual policy; and the other side is its participation in world affairs, they require their rights, as well as with a combination of policies of classic and modern colonial policy in domestic politics, attempts to violate the equal rights of Iranian nationalities. With the balance of Iran’s demand for world power, we witnessed the growth policy of occupation and imperialists of this government to the Iranian nationalities in the political geography of the country. After the formation of common sense and political integration and empathetic atmosphere in the realm of political action among people of Iran, especially among the Kurdish people, after the events Kobanê, Shengal (Sinjar) and the issue of the Kurdish political prisoners and their success in the recovery of the their rights for the first time and, after years of events during the late fifties and sixties, can once again the term political activities of the Iranian people and the contradictions gather for policy in different parts of Iran. They organized political attacks against activists and the declaration of military rule contained in the accused to defend themselves against external forces, is literally meaningless, but the decision regarding the concept of change and transformation that aims to develop the political context, moral and democratic society. Physical presence of military artillery, intelligence and security in Iran as well, the kind of demagoguery and political-diplomatic, on the other hand, in human geography and nationalities land, the image is displayed on the state of negotiations after displays, as well as a full picture of the results shows that the method, criminal and political education of the Iranian senior officials and the government is effective. The definition of the Iranian government leaders and politicians in Iran as the belligerent countries in the international diplomatic relations, became the internal war, the Iranian nationalities and people, instead of realizing that the rhetoric of equality and brotherhood and ideals of democracy and freedom to the territorial expansionism , cultural and ideological in their local area, and reflects the impact of colonial and imperialist unusual diplomatic nothing new approach to the concept of Iran. Therefore, the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) strongly condemns any militarization of the cultural geography of Iran, in our beloved homeland territory of Kurdistan and it is considered an infringement of a right inherent in the political life of our nation. Free Life Party of Kurdistan mass arrests, military and political operations in the region Sine, Ciwanro and Kirmanşan occupied ancestral homeland and nation are Kurds aware of the Iranian regime. Kurdish people should know that if they do not do it, regardless of the impact of such innate defense mechanisms to prevent clogging of the political, social, economic and cultural rights are important." (nt)