Demirtaş: Cooperation with PYD is essential against Daesh 2015-02-23 13:49:49 DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) General Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş, along with HDP Kars MP Mülkiye Birtane and Party of Democtatic Regions (DBP) General Co-chair Kamuran Yüksek met with some pro-Kurdistan parties and associations in Diyarbakır within the scope of alliances for upcoming general elections. Demirtaş and his entourage gathered up with Revolutinary Democrat Kurdish Union (DDKD), Participatory Democracy Party (KADEP), Azadi Movement, Return to Essence Platform and Freedom and Socialism Party (ÖSP) leaders and executives in the main Kurdish city of Diyarbakır. Talks concerning 7 June general elections will be carried out during the meetings. 'ISIS will redound its attacks towards Turkey' The operation to Suleyman Shah tomb has once more confirmed that the Turkish external policy is faulty, underlines Demirtaş. "We have noted that ISIS is a danger for our country for times before," said Demirtaş and went on his speech, "The AKP government did not take a clear attitude against ISIS gangs until today. Now, we can see that ISIS is threathening Turkey day by day. I think, it will constitute danger more. They will do with only Suleyman Shah tomb. ISIS will redound its attacks towards Turkey everywhere they can do. Cooperation with PYD, Democratic Union Party, is essential against Daesh and those at the same mentality with Daesh." 'Relation between Rojava and Turkey cannot be put up over hostilities and fear' "PYD has proved that in fact it has been no relation of hostility with Turkey. Turkey must meet both its friends and foes well. PYD forces and people there are not danger for Turkey, otherwise ISIS is enemy of Turkey. Relation between Rojava and Turkey cannot be put up over hostilities and fear. Reciprocal relations must be developed with Rojava," HDP general co-chair offered. (nt)