Women in Cizre open a bazaar for Kobanê 2015-02-28 14:37:36 ŞIRNAK (DİHA) - As the Congress of Free Women (KJA) announces that preparations are complete for a series of Cizre rallies celebrating March 8, International Women's Day, women have opened a bazaar to support the reconstruction of Kobanê in the days leading up to the holiday. Women of the Cizre Women's Parliament and the Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK) have opened a bazaar on Sanat Street in Cizre district of Şırnak province to be open throughout the lead-up to March 8. The women's bazaar is selling regional foods, jewelry and books. Most products are made by communal women's labor. KESK Woman Council member Serap Ok spoke here and said, "We have witnessed the ferocity of Daesh both in Kobanê and in all Rojava. We, as women, will rebuild Kobanê and remove the destruction. Following the victory in Kobanê within the pioneering of YPJ, Women's Protection Units, fighters, we have begun our campaign to contribute into reconstruction process in Kobanê." (nt)