Massive Dublin protest with one clear message: Free water 2015-03-22 09:05:25 NEWS CENTER (DİHA) - Once again tens of thousands of people marched in Dublin. Saturday is the latest protest against the Irish government’s attempt at imposing a second charge for water. Today is the latest affirmation of overwhelming public opposition to this austerity measure to privatize the nations water, put in place by Ireland’s coalition government. As if the message from the people of Ireland to their government wasn’t clear in September when thousands marched on Dublin after months of small yet effective community actions to disrupt the instillation of water meters. It should have been clear in October when thousands more marched on Dublin or at least clear that the resolve of the Irish wasn’t going to change. By the time thousands marched in November and again in December maybe the Irish government thought that waiting it out over the winter and making some early morning arrests on protest organizers might slow this whole movement down. While we don’t know what is clear to the Irish Government, one thing is very clear to us, the people of Ireland are not going to pay twice for water or have their water privatized. The chants and banners are very clear ‘We Cant Pay – We Wont Pay’. Action in Dublin has made it clear to the rest of the world once again, that Irish Water will not be privatized. (nt)