KJA gaining official status 2015-05-20 13:57:26 DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - The Kurdish women's group Congress of Free Women (KJA) has taken the first steps to formal legal status in Turkey, applying for the legal status of an association today. In Turkey, civil society organizations can apply for formal status with the government through the legal status of association. 501 delegates voted to form the congress at the January 31st meeting of women's groups from across Kurdistan. Now, the KJA is seeking association status, they announced at a press announcement today outside the Diyarbakır governor's office. KJA activist Sara Aktaş said that the Kurdish women's movement has paid a heavy price over the last 10 years to advance. "We're aiming to continue our struggle based on a wider platform," said Aktaş, of the association application. The KJA plans to hold an opening celebration for the new association on May 29 in the Diyarbakır neighborhood of Huzurevleri. "As the Congress of Free Women, we are trying to unite all women under this tent," said Ayla Akat Ata, a KJA activist and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) deputy. MP Ata noted that the women's movement has mobilized to make major gains in Turkey's June election, where her party is running a half-woman slate of candidates. "We women are the ones who will build hope and a new life," said she. (cm/nt)