Murderer not 'unknown,' but famous 2015-06-05 23:08:21 İSTANBUL (DİHA) - With all information indicating that the bombing at the HDP rally in the main Kurdish city of Diyarbakır today was a coordinated attack, journalists, jurists, authors and politicians condemned the barbaric attack fiercely. With just two days to go until Turkey's June 7 election, hundreds of thousands were out at the massive HDP rally in Diyarbakır's İstasyon Square. As HDP general co-chair SelahattinDemirtaş was preparing to take to the stage, an explosion took place, followed immediately by a second. Twin explosions killed 4, wounded 350, at least 30 are in serious condition. Aydıntaşbaş: The attack was carried out with mind of 90s Journalist Aslı Aydıntaşbaş said the attack was carried out with mind of 1990s, adding: "However, Diyarbakır people has punctured the attacks. We had suffered such attack before. But, you cannot manage 2015 with the mind of 1990. The attackers will find their places in the dustbin of history. The aim of attack is to pour the people into the streets and inhibit HDP's western votes. Kurds are aware of their position to determine the fate of this country". Şık: Panicking of ruling is behind the incidents Ahmet Şık, famous journalist, condemned the attack and underlined, "Provocations have been resumed for months. From Ağrı to Bingöl, they massacred Kurds. Each of the attacks have been punctured with sensitive and prudent attitude of the Kurdish people. The HDP and its mass has managed the process prudently inspite of all attacks, bombs, lnych attempts. I think panicking of the ruling AKP is behind all these incidents". Engin: Murderer not 'unknown,' but famous Cumhuriyet newspaper author Aydın Engin evaluated the twin explosions, "There is no way to deny the bombing from now on. The statement has already been made formally. But, the Kurds punctured it. This is the most important thing now. The perpetrator of attack is clear. It is not unidentified murder, but the perpetrator of attack is infamous. This tension is their gimmick." Hür: Attacks remind of pre-coup term The HDP has been exposed to many attacks since the beginning of election campaign, journalist Ayşe Hür said. "These attacks are reminding of pre-coup (12 military coup) term. Deep state or the state itself is trying to provoke the HDP supporters. This people is prudent and foresighted. To get over elections must be one of the first goals. I condole Amed, HDP supporter and officials and all Turkey," conluded Hür. Taş: Attack is indication of AKP's disintegration "I condole all the Diyarbakır people," Freedom Solidarity Party (ÖDP) General Head Alper Taş remarked. He told, "There is a policy of violence against the HDP. The attack is indication of the AKP's disintegration and defeat. As much as they see this, they are attacking at the HDP. They are increasing the dosage of the attacks. This is a crucial examination for the HDP. The HDP has punctured all the provocations". Keskin: Attack showed that mentality of state didn't change Human rights defender and lawyer Eren Keskin said the recent attacks at the HDP were reminding of 90s years openly. "When AKP understood its defeat, it launched attacks at the HDP. We suffered such incidents and massacres before. The state wants an armed oppositipn against itself. But, now all democracy and peace lovers are supporting the HDP," she said. Tahmaz: AKP initiated war against Kurdish political movement Turkey Peace Assembly (TBM) Speaker Hakan Tahmaz said the first responsible of the attacks was AKP government. "AKP initiated war against the Kurdish political movement. We got over a massacre on a dime today. This attempt of massace was created with remarks of President Erdoğan," Tahmaz concluded. (nt)