HDP carries peoples to parliament 2015-06-07 22:42:41 NEWS DESK (DİHA) - Istanbul Parliamentarian candidates from HDP follow election results in HDP’s Istanbul 3. District Crisis Desk and described the results as “the victory of peoples in Turkey and peace.” According to unofficial results, 11 “New Life” candidates from HDP were elected as Istanbul parliamentarians. Emphasizing the need for precaution, Istanbul Parliamentarian candidates from HDP described election results as a victory for peace. Pervin Buldan underlined the AKP government’s pre-election provocations and stated that peoples of Turkey overcame the threshold despite these attacks. Buldan described the results as the historic victory of peace and congratulated all peoples of Turkey. Garo Paylan described election results as Turkish society’s punishment of discourses that make crowds boo different identities and described HDP’s success as Turkish society’s reward for discourses that defend coexistence. Paylan added that all political parties should evaluate election results carefully and ensure the adoption of a new constitution that will secure peace and coexistence. Ali Kenanoğlu stated that AKP lost a great deal and may still organize new provocations. Kenanoğlu emphasized precaution and called on party members and supporters to continue their watch in election booths. Levent Tüzel said that people looked out for peace, sisterhood and labor in this election. Tüzel emphasized people’s resilience against oppression and described Turkey’s future as bright and stronger. Beyza Üstün described HDP as the only party that could end 12 years of AKP hegemony and said that their efforts will focus on removing the threshold completely. Emphasizing their promise to fight for labor and ecology, Üstün stated that they will build peace in the country. Üstün ended by describing the election as the success of HDP and peoples of Turkey. (nt)