If there's no 'security weaknesses', who are these gunmen? 2015-06-10 16:47:20 DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - Diyarbakır Provincial Police Commissioner Halis Böğürcü spoke for the first time on counter attacks in Diyarabakır, and claimed that there were no "security weaknesses" in the city. The City Provincial Police Commissioner spoke for the first time on yesterday’s events where 3 HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) members were murdered and 8 civilians were injured, 2 of whom are still in critical condition. Despite the occurrence of these attacks in front of police officers across city, Police Commissioner Halis Böğürce claimed that they are investigating all possibilities cold-bloodedly and that there were no security weaknesses in the city. Böğürce suggested that someone is trying to get the police involved in an armed confrontation. Böğürce said that they are monitoring the city through surveillance cameras and have created an active crisis desk. But, contra groups are wandering with their arms in the city before police eyes. The contra group massacred 4 Kurdish citizens, wounded several and attacked at journalists. Lastly, Böğürce refused the claims on former Minister of Internal Affairs Efkan Ala’s presence in the city. (nt)