YPG/YPJ liberate more villages, make further advances 2015-06-22 16:33:52 NEWS DESK (DİHA) - YPG Press Office said that forces of the People’s/Women’s Defense Units (YPG/YPJ) continue making further advances in south Girê Spî and Silûk on the 47th day of the Operation Commander Rubar Qamishlo. Remarking that Cizîrê forces conducted an operation to the southwest of Silûk town yesterday, YPG said the village of Demişliyê was liberated in the operation, while the exact number of casualties on ISIS side couldn't be verified. According to the statement, Defense Units have started clearing the mines intensely laid by the gangs in the Demişliyê village, while 2 fighters of Defense Units were wounded as a result of a mine explosion during the clearance of mines in the village of Til Hemam liberated the dat before. YPG Press Office reported that explosion of another mine on Raqqa-Girê Spî road near the village of Demîşliyê, which occurred as a civil car passed by, left 1 civilian in the car dead and 4 others wounded. The statement said that Defense Units that reached the scene by cleaning the mines on the road enabled the transport of the wounded to the hospital. YPG said Defense Units who also continued their operations to the south of Girê Spî liberated the villages of Zenbaq and Elî Beceliyê and 5 hamlets in this region this morning, while the exact number of ISIS casualties couldn't be verified. (nt)