Thousands call for peace in Istanbul 2015-07-27 10:41:27 ISTANBUL (DİHA) - Despite the Turkish government's ban on the massive Peace March planned for Istanbul yesterday, thousands denounced the AKP's war policies. The Peace Bloc, a coalition of over 90 political parties and civil society groups in Turkey, called for a Peace March in Istanbul yesterday to denounce Daesh attacks and the AKP's warmongering policies. The provincial governor declared a ban on the Peace March, but thousands still gathered for a protest at the Aksaray Metro station. The crowd bore signs calling for peace in Turkish, Kurdish and English and denouncing the AKP as a collaborator in Daesh attacks. "Those in power who can't stomach their election defeat, the overcoming of the elections threshold by the forces of democracy and peace, the bankruptcy of its policies in Syria and the Middle East, the victories of the Kurdish freedom movement in Rojava--now wants to hold the country hostage with repressive politics," said Nuray Sancar, speaking on behalf of the Peace Bloc. She denounced the Turkish government's attacks and police operations against democratic segments under the cover of "the struggle with Daesh." After the speech, the crowd attempted to move on to a march despite a police presence, but after some tension, the crowd dispersed. (cm/nt)