DBP-HDP executives detained amid a military siege 2015-12-24 18:39:09 VAN (DİHA) - Life has been brought to a standstill in Bahçesaray district of Van where all workplaces remain closed today in protest at the state terror across Northern Kurdistan. While special operation police teams have blocked the entry and exit of the district, soldiers have gone down to the centre where they are patrolling in groups now. While a civilian by the name of Servet Cesur was taken into custody, DBP Bahçesaray distcit co-chair Mesut Yabalak described the situation in the district as an extraordinary state. People who took to the streets to protest the military siege have been attacked by soldiers to obstruct the press statement they meant to read in the town centre. DBP district co-chair Mesut Yabalak, DBP district executives Suat Meşe, Servet Cesur, Emirhan Oruk, HDP Van provincial executive Emin Baytar have been taken into custody as a result of the intervention by soldiers. The detainees have been taken to Bahçesaray district police department. (nt)