Production of cake of bee is started in Gumushane 2006-02-18 16:07:01 GÜMÜŞHANE (DİHA) -Gumushane Union of Beekeepers will start the production af cake of bee which is needed for nutrition of bees. The unit of production of bee cake which was allocated to the usage of Gumushane Union of Beekeepers had passed to activity. City Agricuture Directorate Ertekin Colak in his statement about subject emphasized that feeding of bees with cake in spring and autumn is very important said that: ' For the weather is cold in spring feeding can not be made with liquor. In this period to meet the hunger of the bees they should be fed with cake. 1 Cake should be given to strong hives and half kg to weak hives as the bees consume. The cake of bee is made with mixing 3 kg castor sugar and 1 kg honey. In the making of cake of bees oilless fat, soy flour and bee pollen can be put. Colak said that with beginning of use of cake of bee main bee will start leaving of larva and will speed development. (gk/aş/mç)