'We will be in streets to own hopes of massecred youngs'
ANKARA(DİHA) - Releasing a statement to mark the anniversary of the Gezi resistance, the Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK) said its members will be taking to the streets across the country on 31 May to call those responsible for what has been stolen from the people to account.
KESK pointed out that the vigil against destruction which began in Gezi on 27 May 2013 still continued in the form of a civil commotion throughout the country, and that this was a consequence of an increasing public reaction and objection against the AKP government's repression and intimidation order. The Confederation stressed that those who are hitting the streets to voice their democratic and fair demands are labeled as terrorists, while the families who lost their children in protests aren't even being allowed to hold a non-intervened funeral ceremony for their beloved ones.
'PM intends to disintegrate by means of hate speeches and police violence'
Remarking that the exploitative system which takes the life of 5-6 workers a day in order for the attainment of more profit has led to a mass genocide in Soma, KESK continued as follows; “People in Soma, including the families of miners, are being subjected to police violence for demanding justice. Receiving full support from the ruling AKP government, police forces attack, assault and detain people without obeying any judicial criteria. The Prime Minister who considers himself to be the last sultan intends to disintegrate by means of hate speeches and police violence the voice we raise when we get united.”
KESK added that members of the Confederation will be hitting the streets on 31 May to own the hopes of the young people killed during the Gezi resistance.