DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Serhat Youth Festival begins

27 September
15:29 2014

MUŞ (DİHA) - The 1st Serhat Youth and Culture Festival has begun with the participation of thousands of people from cities of Serhat region.

The 1st Serhat Youth and Culture Festival has begun next to Lake Qazan in Gölyanı (Xaçulî) village bound to Bulanik district of Muş with the participation of thousands of people from cities of Serhat region. Thousands of people including representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations rushed to the festival from nearby districts and cities. The mass of people danced halays for hours.

The festival territory was decorated with the flags of PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party), KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) and posters of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. The slogans of "Long live Leader Apo", "Long live resistance of Kobanê" and "Resist YPG, Kurdistan is with you" along the festival.

Artists Erol Berxwedan and İbrahim Rojhilat will take scene in the festival.

