DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Youngs returning to Kobanê, joining in resistance

24 December
12:00 2014


- While the ‘Clean-up operation’ launched by the YPG/YPJ against ISIS gangs in Kobanê city is continuing, young people who previously left are returning.

It is now more than 3 months since the YPG and YPJ fighters started their historic resistance against the ISIS gangs, and the ‘Clean-up operation’ is continuing. Groups of young people are returning to the city to join the YPG/YPJ fighters as they continue their determined advance. These young people who left the canton and went to Suruç when the gang attacks first began, say they could not remain as mere spectators as their land was occupied, and have returned to join the resistance. It is reported that returns have increased since the KCK issued a statement calling on youth to return and fight.

‘I’m fighting against those who attacked Kurdish women’

Silva Kobanê, who returned last week, stressed she wanted to fight to liberate the whole of Rojava, not just Kobanê, saying: “I came to fight the enemy who want to enslave Kurdish women. We will cleanse the whole of Kurdistan of these gangs, just as we did in Sinjar. All the young people should return and join the resistance as soon we will be victorious.”

‘I saw the women resist’

Hevî Miştenur, a young woman who returned after 3 months in Suruç to join the YPJ, said: “It was difficult for me to sit there while young people from all over Kurdistan joined the resistance.” Hevî Miştenur added that the YPJ had demonstrated to her that women could take up arms to defend their land.

‘People should come home’

Hozan, who returned to Kobanê a week ago, said: “We promise that we will cleanse Kobanê of these gangs.” He added that people should return home, as the gangs were in retreat. Another recent returnee, Öcalan, said: “We are advancing every day. It is necessary for the young people to return and join the defence of their land.”

