Demirtaş to AKP: Your Kaaba has become money
BATMAN (DİHA) - HDP General Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş addressed to about100.000 people at his party's election rally in southeastern province of Batman, inviting everybody to support and vote HDP. Demirtaş shouted to AKP officials and said, "Everything is money for you. You have corrupted and vitiated the life. Your Kaaba has become money. Your Kaabe has become bankrolls of dollar".
HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) General Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş addressed to about 100.000 people at his party's election rally at Press Square in southeastern province of Batman today. The massive crowds of people danced halays for hours and bore the flags of HDP.
Crowds at roof of nearby buildings
As the square was full of people, hundreds of people took the roof, balconies and windows of nearby buildings. The mass often shouted the slogan of "Long live Leader Apo", "Long live fraternity of peoples" and slogans in support of the HDP in the rally. Delegations of YNK (PUK) and Goran (Change) from Southern Kurdistan also participated into the rally.
'Batman is proud of you'
HDP Batman deputy candidates Hasan Yağız, Ali Atalan, Saadet Becerikli and Ayşe Acar Başaran saluted the people of Batman. Demirtaş took the scene, saying they are going through a historical and crucial process. The crowd responded him, "Batman is proud of you". Demirtaş answered, "Batman has witnessed such a massive rally for the first time in its history".
'Even if bert and ernie are king, they cannot revile at women indecently'
Demirtaş spoke about the woman activists protesting President Erdoğan. "Bert and ernie (Erdoğan and Davutoğlu) are wandering from square to square and trying to inhibit the HDP to pass the election threshold with their lies and slanders. These bert and ernie will be shocked at ballot boxes on June 7th. Even if bert and ernie are king, they cannot revile at women indecently. We are sending his revilements back to him," criticized Erdoğan.
A group of women in the eastern province of Iğdır held a back-turning action to show their disapproval for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's presence in their city. Erdoğan seemed somewhat discomposed by the women's action, "Now, I come here and a very interesting group—excuse me, my manners don't permit me, of course—are turning their backs on me and making a sign," he said, breaking from his scheduled speech script. "Now if you have a jot of courtesy, dignity, if you have a jot of talent—the place for politics is the Parliament. You talk there. You talk in the squares. Starting up with these threats, these—excuse me—immoral methods, won't get you anywhere."
'If you are not liar, let's have a discussion live'
HDP general co-chair reiterates call on Prime Minister Davutoğlu for a live debate. “I am calling on Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. Let’s have a discussion on TV; do you dare? If you trust yourself, let’s openly have a discussion live,” Demirtaş said.
'They have suffered hubris syndrome'
Demirtaş shouted to AKP officials and said, "Everything is money for you. You have corrupted and vitiated the life. Your Kaaba has become money. Your Kaabe has become bankrolls of dollar. You can represent neither Islam nor humanity. It is day to ask account from the liar anymore. June 7th is one of the days of asking account. They have suffered hubris syndrome. Now, the HDP is remedy of hubris syndrome."
'When HDP becomes ruling, it will take peace into assurance'
When HDP becomes ruling in the country, it will take peace into assurance, Demirtaş underlined. "First and foremest, we have to build our internal peace. Whoever will be supported by the people, s/he can march. Let you end your hostility towards the peoples. Let's come and build a honorable peace and future together for our children. Let's pioneer peace of Middle East. We will build peace and take it under assurance," concluded Demirtaş.