DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Eyewitnesses refute prosecutors: Yıldız fell from tree in time of blast

6 June
13:50 2015

DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - Diyarbakır Public Prosecutor’s Office began to give signs of how the investigation in Diyarbakır will continue in future days. Prosecutors claimed that the death of 15 years-old Ramazan Yıldız is not connected with the explosions in yesterday’s HDP rally. The eyewitnesses have refuted the prosecutors and underlined, "Child named Ramazan Yıldız fell from a tree just in the time of blast".

As HDP General Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş was preparing to take to the stage, an explosion took place, followed immediately by a second at the party's massive election rally in the main Kurdish city of Diyarbakır. Twin explosions killed 4, wounded 416, at least 30 are in serious condition.

Prosecutors already obfuscate the investigation

Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor Ramazan Solmaz made a statement on the massacre attempt from yesterday’s HDP rally. Prosecutors already began to obfuscate the investigation as they claimed that the death of 15 years-old Ramazan Yıldız is not connected with yesterday’s explosions.

Prosecutors stated that the main explosion happened between 17:46 and 17:48 yesterday and claimed that Ramazan Yıldız died not because of the explosion but because of falling from a high building 2 hours before the explosion. Prosecutors also claimed that the investigation on every detail of the explosions continues carefully.

However, the eyewitnesses have refuted the prosecutors and SES Diyarbakır Co-chair Ramazan Kaval underlined, "Child named Ramazan Yıldız fell from a tree just in the time of blast".

