KNK calls for vote for HDP
NEWS DESK (DİHA) - At least four people have died and hundreds have been injured in a deadly attack against the Kurdish people who gathered yesterday to support the Peoples Democracy Party (HDP) in the city of Amed (Diyarbakır) days before the 7th June General Election.
Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) said in a written statement that those agitated by the HDP’s success have added another violent attack against them, with two professionally assembled explosive devices were detonated within three minutes of each other in the area that the rally was taking place.
Remarking that this attack has come on the back of days of incitement of the people by the ruling AKP party against the HDP, KNK pointed out that throughout the past month, the Turkish President Erdogan and Prime Minister Davutoglu, along with all AKP officials had launched a lynching campaign against the HDP.
Commenting these attacks against the HDP as a result of the AKP government demonising the HDP, KNK said that as a result of this campaign, yesterday's attack was the biggest and deadliest of the 250 attacks that have been carried out against the HDP in various cities across the country. The statement by KNK underlined that; "Just as in the previous attacks, the President and the Prime Minister are directly responsible for today’s attack."
The fact that the security forces attacked the people — who were trying to help those injured — with pepper spray and water canon straight after the explosives were detonated, shows how this attack was prearranged, KNK stated.
Kurdistan National Congress called upon the public and all international institutions to pressurise the Turkish state into stopping its attacks against the Kurdish people and representatives within the election process; so that the 7th June elections can be held in a secure atmosphere.
Emphasizing that the Kurdish people should democratically and peacefully organise against these attacks and resist against all authoritarian and suppressive actions, and no one should bow to these policies, KNK called upon the Kurdish people and all democrats, labourers, women and men of Turkey to vote for the HDP on the 7th of June in order to subvert this dirty game.