DİHA - Dicle News Agency


One detained in relation to the bomb attack in Diyarbakır

7 June
18:14 2015

DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - Diyarbakır (Amed) Governor's Office has announced that 1 person was detained in relation to the bomb attack conducted at the HDP rally in the city two days ago.

Diyarbakır Governor's Office has made a statement two days after the bloody attack that targeted the massive HDP rally in Amed on 5 June, leaving 3 people dead and 402 wounded.

The statement of the governor read: “A person estimated to be the perpetrator of two bomb attacks that occurred at the rally held by the HDP at İstasyon (Station) Square of our province at around 17:50 on 05.06.2015 has been detained at the night of 06.06.2015. A meticulous investigation is being carried out under the coordination of Diyarbakır Public Prosecutor’s Office”.

