DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Yüksekdağ: We overthrew the threshold all together

8 June
10:11 2015

ISTANBUL (DİHA) - Speaking after her party’s election victory, HDP co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ said: “We have overthrown the election threshold all together. The threshold has been overthrown by the great enthusiasm, desire, determination of the peoples of this country. Those who have remained under the ruins of this undemocratic mechanism are the ones who have been defending the threshold, not the peoples of Turkey”.

Figen Yüksekdağ said she dedicates the victory to the happiness of the peoples of the country, who all came together and united despite their differences and despite the distances created amongst each other by the ruling elite.

Figen Yüksekdağ welcomed the happiness in the hall and stressed that all the HDP supporters struggled well in the pre-election period against the attempts to divide the country and the people in the last 13 years of the AKP rule. Yüksekdağ said supporters of the HDP suffered from these policies and attacks against the party in the last two months, and added: “But, the strength of the great humanity has succeeded to defeat this evil. I guess the real success of our campaign is that it revealed the power of the good defeating the outdated policies”.

Yüksekdağ further recalled the harm given to the peoples of Turkey by the AKP government in the last 13 years, adding that the 7 June election was the most important election in the history of the country regarding the recognition of the will of the people and their right to vote and being elected. “We have saved our freedom and rights” said the HDP co-chair.

Figen Yüksekdağ vowed to create the New Life in Turkey, a new Turkey hand in hand, saying that a new understanding of democracy is emerging in the country as revealed by overthrowing of the electoral threshold.

Yüksekdağ lastly stressed that the peoples of Turkey do not want to be subjected to one party rule, but have a desire for a pluralist and egalitarian society, adding that this plurality has already been achieved during the joint election campaign of the HDP as the party was supported by many peoples and groups coming from different backgrounds during that campaign.

Figen Yüksekdağ ended her speech by repeating the infamous slogan of Gezi protests: “This is just a beginning, we continue the struggle!”

