DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Contra mob shot one more citizen dead

10 June
11:28 2015

DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - Armed contra mob, wandering in the city with weapoms before police eyes in Diyarbakır, shot another citizen dead.

Following death of Aytaç Baran, the head of Yeni İHYA-DER, armed contra mob has turned the main Kurdish city Diyarbakır into Texas, known for shooting. The group fired at citizen named Fesih Çınar last night and hit him in his nape. Çınar was hospitalized, but not saved despite all the efforts.

The Governor's Office stated that the number of the dead has risen to four in the contra attacks continuing in Diyarbakır since yesterday afternoon., Six people, including three press members and one hospital employee, have been wounded in the incidents.

Yesterday, Aytaç Baran was shot in front of his home in the Şehitlik neighborhood of Diyarbakır. Aytaç was known as the head of Yeni İHYA-DER, a group known for its close ties to the extreme Islamist Hür Dava (Free Cause) Party, or Hüda-Par. Aytaç Baran was rushed to hospital, but died soon after. HDP condemned the attack and called for light to be shed on shady incident

Autopsies were performed on the three HDP supporters killed in the contra attack yesterday—Bayram Özelçi, Bayram Dağtan and Emin Esen.

