DİHA - Dicle News Agency


'Transitional autonomous governance in Shengal' conference of EP

11 June
15:15 2015

NEWS DESK (DİHA) - The ‘transitional autonomous governance in Shengal against ISIS’ conference organized by the official European Parliament (EP) delegation on relations with Iraq received strong participation.

Shengal transitional government president Said Hasan, autonomous administration members and Êzîdî defense force YBŞ’s (Shengal Resistance Units) representatives Nuri Mirza and Xalit Salih Faris, Iraqi Assyrians’ Ninova Forces representative Sharbil Hanna Matty, Betnahrin Patriotic Union president Yousif Yakoup Matti, and Turkmen society representatives Hasan Tawfiq Aydınlı and Niyazi Mimar Oglu spoke at the conference.

English parliamentarian and the president of the official European Parliament (EP) delegation on relations with Iraq David Campbell Bannerman opened the conference by thanking the participants for their bravery in the struggle against ISIS in Shengal. Irish parliamentarian and the delegation’s vice-president Brian Hayes emphasized the need for supporting all Kurdish fighters including the Peshmergas in Shengal.

Êzîdî committee representative and Şengal transitional government president Said Hasan said that authoritarian regimes are causing trouble to peoples in the Middle East, and the Arab Spring has become the Arab Winter with the emergence of brutal forces such as ISIS. Reminding the massacres that targeted Êzîdî Kurds, Hasan said that Êzîdîs would have been murdered, enslaved and wiped off the map completely if PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) fighters had not defended the people of Shengal. Hasan criticized the disappearance of those who had promised to protect Êzîdîs, and called on the EU, UN and the globe at large to show support to Êzîdîs.

Êzîdî defense force YBŞ’s representative Nuri Mirza shared information on the number, experiences and needs of civilians murdered or enslaved by ISIS barbarians. Mirza reminded EU promises to support the people of Shengal and emphasized the importance of heavy weaponry and military equipment for the success of YBŞ resistance. Other Êzîdî representatives spoke on the disastrous effects of ISIS occupation of Shengal on August 3, 2014, and said that the international community should increase its support to Shengal.

Representatives of Assyrians, Turkmens, and Iraqis described the atrocities they experienced both during Saddam’s regime and recently.

EP Socialist Group Vice President Ana Gomes, European Democrats President Balder and other parliamentarians attended the conference that took place between 15:00-17:00.

HDP’s (Peoples' Democratic Party) European Commission representative Faik Yağızay, European Êzîdî representative Fikret Igrek, and Êzîdî association representative across Europe also participated in the conference.

