DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Condolence tent for MLKP fighter Akdaş

20 June
13:25 2015

ANKARA (DİHA) - Internationalist Freedom Battalion Command announced that the Arab representative of the battalion, Mazlum Akdaş, fell a martyr on June 18. A condolence tent has been set up for him in Turkish capital city of Ankara.

The Internationalist Freedom Battalion Command said in a written statement that MLKP (Marxist Leninist Communist Party) fighter Mazlum Akdaş (Halil Aksakal/Antakya-Turkey) fell a martyr alongside three comrades as a result of a mine explosion on the southern front of Siluk on June 18.

The statement said that commander Akdaş from Arab nationality was a leading figure of the internationalist battle fighting at the forefront for defending the Rojava revolution.

The Internationalist Freedom Battalion Command remarked that Akdaş and other internationalist fighters alongside him created the most beautiful example of internationalist solidarity and fought shoulder to shoulder with YPG fighters as they stood by the oppressed Arab, Turkmen and Kurdish people and fought against ISIS gangs as militants of other nationalities.

The statement underlined that the Internationalist Freedom Battalion which owned the MLKP fighter Ivana Hoffman, BÖG (United Freedom Forces) Mahir Arpaçay and Australian fighter Ashley Johnston as their martyrs manifested its determination to defend the Rojava revolution in the person of Mazlum Akdaş.

The Battalion Command vowed that their fighters will be continuing to stage a determined march on this path.

