DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Turkish state refuses to surrender body of woman guerrilla

22 June
10:14 2015

SİİRT (DİHA) - The Turkish state is refusing to turn over the body of YJA Star guerrilla Maxzume Muhammedzade (nom de guerre Sarya Onur) to her family, despite mass protest.

Muhammedzade, born in the city of Selmas in Eastern Kurdistan (Iran), lost her life in an attack by Turkish soldiers on June 14th. The soldiers set up an ambush to trap Kurdish guerrillas in the Eruh district of Siirt province, in Northern Kurdistan (Turkey). Muhammedzade died in the attack.

Now, Muhammedzade's family has traveled to Turkey from Iran hoping to receive their daughter's body. Despite the fact that the family completed all the necessary legal paperwork to receive Muhammedzade's body, including sending DNA samples to Ankara to prove their relationship, Turkish state prosecutors have refused to grant permission for them to receive it.

On Saturday, hundreds gathered outside the morgue of the Siirt State Hospital, where Turkish officials have kept Maxzume's body. The citizens help a vigil for Muhammedzade and her family. Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) representatives managed to meet with the state officials, although the state originally refused requests for meetings.

The Turkish state is refusing to turn over Muhammedzade's body until there is a certain DNA match with her family.

