DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Call from NGOs: Delegation must go to Imrali right away

22 June
12:20 2015

DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - The applications of lawyers and families to meet with PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan have been declined since 27 July 2011.

Since the Turkish government and international powers collaborated to capture Öcalan in 1999, Turkey has aggressively pursued a policy of isolating the jailed leader in a high-security F-type prison on İmralı Island. With the government nearly freezing the peace process, the İmralı Delegation of opposition party and civil society leaders meeting with Öcalan as part of the peace process has now announced that they are being denied access to the island.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the main Kurdish city of Diyarbakır have criticized the AKP government for its policy of isolation and halting the peace process.

'AKP suspended process for its ambition for ruling'

The Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK) Diyarbakır Term's Speaker Mesut Kılıçarslan said, "Turkey and the Kurdish region began to breathe since the beginning of peace and solution process. The sides must sit at table as soon as possible for the continuation of democratic solution process. AKP has suspended the process for its ambition for ruling. This is unacceptable".

'Dolmabahçe Agreement must be implemented'

He warned, "If the table of solution is toppled totally, Turkey will be like Syria and Iraq". Kılıçaraslan added, "Dolmabahçe Agreement, signedd by AKP government officials and Imrali Delegation of HDP deputiea, must be implemented".

'Öcalan is a blessing for Turkey'

Diyarbakır Bar Association Member of Board Lawyer Servet Özen underlined, "The applications of lawyers and families to meet with PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan have been declined for 5 years. This is a scandal for both internal and international jurisdiction and law. To meet lawyers and family is a fundamental right of a prisoner. This right of a prisoner cannot be inhibited in any way".

PKK Leader Abdullah is being isolated by AKP government which has not fulfilled the requirments of Dolmabahçe Joint Agreement. Özen added, "Öcalan is a blessing, a chance for Turkey. Öcalan is chief negotiator. The solution must go on again as soon as possible. Otherwise, the chaotic situation in the Middle East will spread more and more".

