DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Girê Spî full of torture cages of barbaric gangs

24 June
16:03 2015


GİRÊ SPÎ (DİHA) - Now that YPJ/YPG forces and their allies have driven Daesh out of the city of Girê Spî (Tel Abyad), the brutality of the gang's rule is beginning to emerge. The people of the recently liberated city have left flowers at the cages that the gang set up across the city.

The city of Girê Spî, Syria was under Daesh occupation for over two years. The city was long a crucial location for Daesh, as it borders Turkey. Girê Spî was a key site where Daesh brought weapons and fighters across the border with the support of the Turkish state.

Cages part of the gang's system for punishing

When reporters traveled to Girê Spî to observe the newly liberated city, the strange cages scattered across the city were initially mysterious. In interviews with the local population, it emerged that the cages were part of the gang's system for punishing and humiliating the population. Other punishment techniques that civilians reported were killings of women for "adultery" and cutting off the hands of alleged thieves.

Flowers at site of cages

YPG/YPJ fighters have been among those to leave flowers at the site of the cages dotted across the city, which have become a symbol of the cruelty of Daesh occupation. The defense fighters began to cleanse and defeat all the cages and place flowers of freedom inside the them as life is normalizing in the town day after day.

