DİHA - Dicle News Agency


YPJ commander: Gangs to be expulsed shortly

26 June
18:20 2015

KOBANÊ (DİHA) - YPJ Kobanê commander Sorxwin Kobanê stated that the clashes with ISIS continue in five locations and the gangs would be expulsed from Kobanê shortly.

Women's Protection Units (YPJ) Kobanê commander Sorxwin Kobanê stated that the clashes with ISIS continue in five locations and the gangs would be expulsed from Kobanê shortly. Commander Sorxwin stated that ISIS gangs attempted a new attack in the western front this morning and clashes in the town continue.

A new attack attempt from west this morning

Commander Kobanê recalled ISIS gangs’ bomb attack on Mürşitpınar border gate from Turkey and infiltration into the town through the south, southeast and southwest parts of the canton. YPG/YPJ fighters responded strongly and expulsed all ISIS gangs except for the ones in Kobanê High School and Şehit Moro neighborhood. As YPG/YPJ were encircling the gangs in these two locations this morning, ISIS gangs attempted a new attack from the west in Şexler but were repelled after clashes in three locations here.

80 civilians in Kaniya Kurda rescued

Sorxwin Kobane stated that their operations continue since the morning, and clashes continue in three different parts of Şexler to the west as well as Mekteba Reş, Kaniya Kurda, Şehit Moro and Kobanê High School. Commander Kobanê said that 80 civilians who were used as human shields by ISIS have been rescued today after YPG/YPJ operations.

‘Gangs to be expulsed shortly'

Sorxwin Kobanê stated that the gangs have been paying for their attacks since yesterday, and would be expulsed from Kobanê shortly.

