KCK: AKP directly responsible for massacre
NEWS DESK (DİHA) - KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency issued a written statement on the massacre in Suruç and said that tens of revolutionary socialist youth and civilians were massacred during the bomb attack on Amara Cultural Center in Suruç.
Noting that the AKP government created ISIS in Syria and Turkey, and would undoubtedly account for the massacre, KCK called on all democracy and freedom forces to stand against dirty AKP policies.
Commemorating the martyrs who fell during the massacre and promised to honor their memories, KCK stated that the AKP government created ISIS in Syria and Turkey, and that it was no longer possible to distinguish ISIS members from Turkish intelligence agents. KCK added that AKP’s enmity towards Kurds brought ISIS to Turkey.
‘Turkey-Syria border became a haven for ISIS'
KCK stated that the AKP government supported ISIS in order to use it as an instrument of its policies in the Middle East, and aimed to dissolve the revolution in Rojava. As a result of this policy, the border between Turkey and Syria became a haven for ISIS and gangs from all over the world used this border for logistical and mobilization purposes. KCK said that the biggest supporter of ISIS fascism in the Middle East was the AKP government, and the attack in Suruç was done under the knowledge of Turkish Intelligence Agency (MIT) in order to target Rojava Revolution and intimidate those who showed solidarity with the revolution.
‘AKP has to account for these attacks'
In its statement, KCK said that the attack in Suruç explained why AKP was calling upon the guerrillas to abandon their arms, and showed that AKP was aiming to release its ‘hounds’ upon Turkey and Kurdistan in order to establish its authoritarian and fascist perspective in the region. The statement noted that the Turkish state was aiming to put Kurds through a massacre with the alliance it made with the enemies of Kurdish people. Emphasizing the proxy-war AKP wages through fascist gangs, KCK stated that the attacks before and after the elections were a clear indication of the war AKP was waging against Kurdish people, the Freedom Movement, and Kurds’ allies. The statement emphasized the role of the Turkish state and MIT in the planning of this attack, and said that AKP had to account for these attacks.
“Upon the liberation by YPG/YPJ of Tal Abyad from ISIS, AKP reacted as if it had been seized from itself, threatened the Rojava Revolution, and went on to announce that it would intervene if YPG happened to liberate the Jarablus city from ISIS occupation”, KCK said, underlining that all these facts proved the cooperation and deep relations between ISIS and the AKP that defended this savage organization the most.
Kurdistan Communities Union remarked that AKP's consideration of PYD as more dangerous than ISIS revealed the level of its animosity towards the Kurds, adding that the massacre in Suruç was perpetrated by the anti-Kurd AKP and its partners.
KCK continued, saying; “It is obvious that responsibility for this massacre is of the Turkish state that unrestrainedly commits massacres on the basis of animosity towards Kurds. Massacres have been gradually normalised in Turkey under the rule of a mindset and party aiming to suppress the Kurdish people and Kurdish Freedom Movement. This is a truth proved by the attitude and reaction manifested by the AKP government in the face of the attacks before and after the June 7 election.”
KCK said it was not a coincidence that most of the victims has been the ESP sympathizer youths that have supported the Rojava Revolution since the very beginning, adding; "This attack has revealed that AKP is targeting not only the Kurdish people and Kurdish Freedom Movement, but also all the socialist circles and friends supporting the Rojava Revolution. AKP government wants to see no power resisting to it, which is why it has also targeted the support of the socialist youths for the reconstruction of Kobanê.”
'Let's enhance struggle against AKP'
KCK stated that the AKP's war against the Kurdish people revealed the fact that it waged, and wanted to wage, this war together with the fascist gangs with whom it had a mental brotherhood.
"It is understood that the AKP and its leader, which has not a democratic but an authoritarian mindset seeking to achieve domination over Turkey, will from now on be waging a war against the democratic powers in Turkey as well in a cooperation with the fascist gangs", KCK said.
Emphasising that Turkish President Erdoğan and AKP wanted to turn Turkey into a country of a dirty war against Kurds and democratic powers, KCK said all those defending democracy and freedom must immediately stand up against this dirty policy of the AKP which -it said- would continue pursuing such policies unless abandoned animosity towards Kurds and left the Kurdish question unsolved.
It is only an uprising Kurdish people and democratic powers that can prevent this dirty policy, KCK said, and called on the Kurdish people and democratic powers to enhance the struggle against the AKP government, the first degree responsible for the Suruç massacre, and to intervene its policies through an urgent democracy programme.