Tax laws should be clear
ADANA (DİHA) - a panel organized by Adana commerce organization and association of free accoutants and financial consultants was named as tax dispute and solution ways.İt was stated that tax laws should be clear and not problem creating structure.
many consultants has participated into the panel such as directeur of ATO and chairman of free accountants and financial consultants Ahmet coşar.Directeur af ATO Baş stresses that not problem creating, understandable and clear taxs should be written.
'rules and laws are not clear'
expert of ministry of finance Garip Ayaz stresses the tax steal and pointed out the sociological bases of such events.He stresses that tax investigation rate was 3 percent in Turkey whereas it is 7 percent in USA.Ayaz said that Turkey was in the unusual process of economic social and political processes.He continues that it is normal to have unusual tax system in the unusual periods.He said that Turkey has a
complicated law system and we are not writing rules and regulations clearly.
(Fotoğraf: Ali BULUŞ)